NeuroWork Initiative

Empowering NeuroInclusive Employment with Magnolia Wellness

Welcome to Magnolia Wellness, where we foster neuroinclusive workplaces and offer needed counseling and coaching services for people with disabilities in the workplace. Our mission is to equip companies, organizations, and agencies with the tools needed to hire and employ persons with intellectual, learning, and neurodevelopmental disabilities for the long-term.

Magnolia Wellness & Psychology, Psychological Testing & Evaluations, Roswell, GA

Research and Evaluation

Our dedicated team of experts conducted in-depth research to understand the current processes, practices, policies, and procedures related to hiring, employing, and retaining persons with disabilities within companies, businesses, and organizations.
We evaluated existing frameworks to identify areas for improvement and enhancement.

Training and Development

Based on our findings, we designed customized training programs to educate your team on best practices for inclusive employment.
These programs aim to create a supportive environment and ensure that persons with disabilities thrive in the workplace.
We tailor our services to meet the unique needs of your organization while laying the foundation for effective and sustainable results.
Magnolia Wellness & Psychology, Autism Testing & Evaluations, Roswell, GA
Magnolia Wellness & Psychology, Psychoeducational Evaluations, Roswell, GA

One-on-One Skills-Based Coaching Services

We provide coaching services to company employees and contractors with identified disabilities. This offers skills-based teaching and individual guidance as they navigate their work roles and environment.
Our experienced professionals also guide you in implementing neuroinclusive work strategies that foster a culture of diversity and acceptance in the workplace.

Pro Bono Counseling Services

We offer ongoing support to both employers and employees who may also be experiencing emotional challenges related to their disability and their work roles.
Using the same warm, thorough, and customizable approach, we can supplement and address the areas that impact the skills-learning that occurs during coaching.
Magnolia Wellness & Psychology, Autism Testing & Evaluations, Roswell, GA

Get Involved

Magnolia Wellness & Psychology invites forward-thinking companies to join our mission for corporate responsibility: to create equitable and NeuroInclusive workspaces. By partnering with us, you commit to making a positive impact on the lives of individuals with disabilities while enriching your workplace with diverse talents and connecting clients in our communities to accessible resources. Contact us today to learn more about our services, our corporate responsibility efforts, and how we can collaborate to create a more inclusive workplace.